Certificates and licenses

Posted in Certificates and licenses

Integrated Management System (IMS) is an integral part of our company business life. Within the development of IMSin KBV Datacom d.o.o., we performed certification for standards ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO18001, and ISO27001.


Sertifikat-Excellent-Privredne-Komore-Crne-Gore huawei-kbv web


  • License I150E3 issued by competent ministry - for construction of electronic communication objects, i.e. networks, systems or assets of international or regional importance.
  • License I151E3 issued by competent ministry - for construction of of electronic communication objects,  i.e. networks, systems or assets built on the territory of two or more municipalities.
  • License I111E3 issued by competent ministry - for construction of telecommunication networks and systems for high rise civil engineering facilities at airports (passenger terminals, freight terminals, airforce bases - hangars, infrastructure facilities and facilities for radionavigation equipment).
  • License I141E3 issued by competent ministry - for construction of telecommunication networks and systems for public railway infrastructures with connections.
  • License P150E3 issued by competent ministry - for designing of electronic communication objects, i.e. networks, systems or assets of international or regional importance.
  • License P151E3 issued by competent ministry - for designing of electronic communication objects, i.e. networks, systems or assets built on the territory of two or more municipalities.
  • License P111E3 issued by competent ministry - for designing of telecommunication networks and systems for high rise civil engineering facilities at airports (passenger terminals, freight terminals, air force bases - hangars, infrastructure facilities and facilities for radio-navigation equipment).
  • License P131S1 issued by competent ministry – for designing of traffic and traffic signalsfor state highways, I and II class , road structures and connections on these roads and border crossings.
  • License P141S1 issued by competent ministry – for designingof traffic and traffic signalsfor public railway infrastructures with connections.
  • License P141E1 issued by competent ministry – for designing of electrical installations of high and medium voltage for public railway infrastructures with connections
  • License P141E4 issued by competent ministry – for designing of control of electrical drives, automation systems, measurement and regulation of the public railway infrastructure with connections
  • License P142G1 issued by competent ministry – for designing of building construction objects for public railway infrastructures with connections (bridges)
  • License P143G1 issued by competent ministry - for designing of  building construction objectsfor public railway infrastructures with connections (tunnels)
  • License issued by the Chamber of Engineering of Montenegro - for designing of telecommunication networks and systems
  • License issued by the Chamber of Engineering of Montenegro -  for construction of telecommunication networks and systems

Licenca KBV.pdf


  • Responsible planner (license 100 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer   for architecture , planning and interior space of water and sewage installations (license 300 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for construction works in the field of civil engineering (license 310 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer of civil engineering structures(license 312issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for low and medium voltage installations (license 350 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for high and medium voltage power supply - (license 351 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for telecommunication networks and systems (license 353 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for telecommunication traffic and networks (license 369 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for traffic and traffic signs (license 370 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for Energy Efficiency (license 381 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible designer for buildings and interior plumbing and sewage(license 400 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor for construction worksin the field of civil engineering (license 410 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor forlow and medium voltage installations (license 450 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor for Medium and High voltage Power Supply (license 451 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor for telecommunication networks and systems (license 453 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor for telecommunication traffic and networks(license 469 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor traffic signals(license 469 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers)
  • Responsible contractor for telecommunication networks and systems (license of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Responsible designer for telecommunication networks and systems (license of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Responsible designer for telecommunication networks and systems (license of Chamber of Engineering of Montenegro)
  • Responsible contractor for telecommunication networks and systems (license  of Chamber of Engineering of Montenegro)