Electric power systems

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KBV Datacom d.o.o. is present on the electric power market in the domain of designing and construction of electric power networks and systems – all types of subterranean and land electric power networks of low, medium and high voltage, distribution facilities, transformer stations, industrial facilities of various application. We design and build new, as well as reconstruction and modernization of existing electric power systems.

Security systems

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Video surveillance

KBV Datacom d.o.o. is able to offer design and construction of the most modern video surveillance systems with installation of equipment from the leading world manufacturers in business and residential buildings and facilities. We can implement in your video surveillance system - CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) built with classic technology (coaxial cables for transfer of signal from camera to recording device - DVR) or technologically more advanced IP video surveillance system (with IP CCTV cameras and network video recorder - NVR).

Structure cabling

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Structure cabling is a universal method of telecommunication networking that enables flexible and adjustable solution. Such network solution enables various telecommunication services, which use unified cable system for all installations transferred in any format.

Open Space Surveilance System - SINOP

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Purpose: surveillance of the large areas without physical presence of man labor for the purpose of ensuring reliable detection of the intrusion to the space with quick alarm, alarm positioning and video image of the situation at the location where alarm occurred.
Application: security of the state border, security of the special interest zones, security of the large industrial facilities (hydro and thermal power plants, water processing systems, systems for storing and processing of hazardous materials, refineries...), ammunition warehouses and warehouses of material and technical assets, training fields...

Telecommunication infrastructure

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Optical cables and construction of optical networks

With fast development of telecommunication and requirements for greater flow power of networks, construction of one’s own networks of optical cables for operators is becoming condition for survival at the market of telecommunication services.